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Report Services Instructions

Report Services Menu

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Menu Item Contents Description


Introduction describing the contents of Report Services Pages and explaining the rationale (the "Why") of Report Services.


Downloadable Fact Finders, Sample Reports and Order-Form/Invoices for Report Services, individually and as zipped collections.


Announcement of and general information about the nature of Report Services, the reasons to use it, and suggestions on how to combine the service with ownership of MasterPlan.


Step by step instructions on how to use Report Services.

Work Flow

At any time in the process, you may email MasterPlan Financial Software at sales@masterplanner.com, fax us at (707) 222-6040, or call us at (800) 229-5080 or (707) 451-8985.

1. Click on Report Services Downloads .

This page contains downloadable fact finders and sample reports in Microsoft Word format, order form/invoice files in Microsoft Excel format, and the List of Available Graphs in Microsoft Excel format.

2. Download the fact finders corresponding to reports that you want us to produce for your client.

These fact finders are in three groups: (1) those that correspond on a one-to-one basis to the Stand-Alone Worksheet Reports; (2) those additional fact finders that correspond to the Present Baseline Reports. They can be combined with those fact finders from the stand-alone fact finders as needed (such as the personal residence form, the rental property form, etc.); and (3) the additional fact finders for the Proposed What-If Reports. You probably will be the one to fill out this last group of fact finders.

3. Download the appropriate Order Form/Invoice and fill it out.

If this is your first order, also download the List of Available Graphs so you can tell us which graphs you want.

4. Give the fact finders to your clients.

They can either fill them out by hand or type into them. Or you can fill them out as you interview your client.

5. Send us the completed fact finders, order form/invoice, and your MasterPlan database.

Fact Finders: You can email them to sales@masterplanner.com or you can fax them to (707) 222-6040, however email is by far the best way!

Order Form/Invoice: You can email or fax this to us. Be sure to tell us which graphs you want from the List of Available Graphs by entering the number or letter for the graph for each report.

MasterPlan Database: If you have never used MasterPlan before, we will create the database for you and email it back to you with the completed reports. Thereafter, the next time you order reports, you will email the database back to us so that all your client information is in one database.

6. We'll do the work and email you back the completed reports and your MasterPlan database.

We may need to call you for more clarification, so be sure to include your day-time phone number so that we can actually talk to you and not just to your voice mail.

What If You Want to Change Something in the Report?

Maybe you want to add a note. Maybe you want to delete a graph that we included. Put in an additional page break. No problem! The file is in Microsoft Word, so you can make any changes you wish.

If you want us to alter the reports, email or fax the changes that need to be made. Or you can call us.

Is Your Data Confidential?

Remember, all your clients and their data will be kept in a separate MasterPlan database that belongs just to you and your company. We will email this database back and forth, and we will not keep a copy of it.

How Do You Pay for This Service?

By Report

For the stand-alone reports, you can pay by report. The charge for each report includes 2 additional re-runs. For example, you might want us to run a Retirement Report with the clients living on $5,000 a month and then again at $8,000 a month. Or, after we deliver the report, you may see that your client forgot to tell us something, and you want us to re-do the report with the additional information.

The stand-alone reports include: Business Valuation, Capital Needs (Life Insurance), Disability Needs, Education Expense, Estate Planning, Personal Residential Property (optionally with a refinance), Rental Property (optionally with a refinance), and Retirement Planning-Goal Oriented.

By the Hour

For the stand-alone reports, you can also pay by the hour. But for the other reports, you must pay on an hourly basis. We are charging by the hour on these, because the data entry process can be as detailed or as sketchy as you wish.

Additional Present Baseline and/or the Proposed What-If Reports: Asset Allocation as of Dec 31st of the Second Year, Balance Sheet (Financial Condition Statement), Budget Cash Flow Statement for the Current Year, Financial Projection Detailed or Summary Reports, Present Financial Projection Text Analysis for the First Year Only, and the Retirement Summary (from the detailed projections).

Portfolio Listings: Line Item Listing of Assets and Liabilities (no charge), Investment Performance Summary, Asset Allocation as of the Current Projection Date, and List of Insurance Policies.

Additional Proposed What-If Reports: Personal Client Action Plan, Purchase of a new Home (What-If Residential Property Analysis), Purchase of a new Rental (What-If Rental Property Analysis), Multi-Year Planning Summary, and Plan Effects (Cash Flow and Taxes).

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