Comprehensive and IntegratedMasterPlanT for Windows keeps track of all a client owns, owes, earns, spends, and pays in taxes for the current year, for every year to retirement, and beyond to life expectancy. MasterPlan can analyze all major aspects of a client's current and prospective financial situation, including:
For example, if you enter the property tax on a rental property, MasterPlan adjusts cash flow for the cost, adjusts income taxes for the write-off, and calculates the property's investment return based on the client's tax bracket (which can be automatically calculated). MasterPlan knows when passive losses can be applied, according to the nature and amount of your client's income. MasterPlan produces an audit trail: It shows the contributions of assets and liabilities to taxes, income, net worth, cash flow, liquidity, and retirement plans, broken down into several subcategories. MasterPlan prints a statement of financial condition: It analyzes net worth, and lists asset and liability totals and detailed audit trails.