A Quick Report to the Screen

To see the report in MasterPlan’s own report writer, just click on the OK button.

We then ask you for the Report Start Year. Type in any year from now to the client’s life expectancy.

We then display a little Information box that estimates how your clients are doing in planning for retirement. Then you will see the report.

The icons on the Toolbar are the standard icons for most report writers.

To change printer setup, click on the picture of the printer with the wrench.

The icon on the far right with the arrows allows you to change margins.

To change the colors of the printed text, select the text and click on the solid black box to the left of the font size combo box. To add colored shading, click on the line you want shaded and click on the black and white striped comb box.

You can also create graphs and paste them into the reports created by MasterPlan’s report writer.

Notice also that we include five years on this report. If you want to print the next five years or, in fact, any five-year spread, just type in the desired starting year when asked for as the Report Start Year.

Click here to move to the next chapter.