Entering a Securities Asset

Let's choose a Mutual Fund as a typical securities asset. From the Main Menu, click on Portfolio, slide over to Assets, down past Securities, and click on Mutual Funds.

In the list of Mutual Funds, press Ctrl+N or click on Actions | New to create a new mutual fund.

Mutual Funds are also Common Pool Assets and have the same three tabs as the Cash Assets; however, the data entry items on those tabs are designed especially for Mutual Funds.

The Common Pool Tab

You might want to fill out the Common Pool Tab as indicated below:

Common Pool Tab


Notice that we have skipped lots of fields. MasterPlan provides a lot of rich features that you will grow to love. However, since this is a tutorial, we are skipping over many of these.

As with the cash assets, the Common Pool Tab includes the data entry items that would be the same for everyone who owns shares of the same asset.

The Description Tab

The Description Tab describes how this particular client owns (or holds) this asset. For example, on this tab we include the number of shares owned. You might want to fill out the Description Tab for the Ziegfields as follows:

Securities Assets: Essential Data Entry Items

MasterPlan gives you a lot of freedom in data entry. You certainly do not have to fill out every item! But there are some items that you will probably want to include:

Securities Assets: Other Important Data Entry Items

There are some other items that you might want to include if you are tracking the asset in more detail.

Note: If you want to calculate the dividend, you can click on Tools | Calculator and do the calculation using MasterPlan's calculator. When you have the value, click on the Copy Value to the Clipboard button, and paste the value in the Dollar Return field by pressing Ctrl+V.

Retirement/Payout Tab

If the asset is a retirement asset, you will need to click on the Retirement/Payout Tab. We are not going to fill this out for the Ziegfields, but you might want to check out some of these fields.

You can withdraw fixed amounts which can have a cost of living increase (COLA) (or decrease) until the balance of the account is brought down to $0; you can handle a pension (even if it has an account balance of zero) which will pay out a guaranteed income stream until life expectancy (also with a COLA); you can ask MasterPlan to consult the Minimum Withdrawal Single Life Expectancy Table (which starts as early as age 50); you can ask MasterPlan to divide the balance in fairly equal chunks, bringing it down to $0 at life expectancy; or you can ask us to recalculate a percentage of the remaining balance of the asset as it changes year by year. Notice the flexibility offered here.

Click on the Save and Close button.

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