Some of the items on this tab are absolutely vital. If the client is a couple, fill out the information for the second client as well. Normally you would enter the oldest client as the first client.
First and Last Names: Enter these for both the First Client and the Second Client, if the client is a couple. Remember to press the Tab key to move through the fields.
Birth Dates: These are used to calculate the ages of the first and second clients as of the projection date. Since MasterPlan projects the client's situation to life expectancy (to a maximum of 99 years), the birth dates are very important items
Retire as of (Age at Retirement): Currently, we only use the age, but eventually we will use the month as well.
Social Security Eligibility (Soc. Sec. Elig.): When the client retires, they will be eligible for what percentage of the maximum benefits?
Life Expectancy: Currently we only use the life expectancy of the first client, but we will soon also use the life expectancy of the second client.
If you want to look at the client’s situation at retirement, be sure to enter the social security eligibility and age at retirement for both client and spouse.
Now fill out your Clients Tab as indicated below:
Note: To save this client information and keep the client window open, press Ctrl+S or click on Actions and Save.
To save the client information and close the window, click on Save and Close, or press Alt+S. MasterPlan will close the window.
Next, click on the Projection Assumptions Tab.